Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Cherly Cherrybelle Diserbu

Cherly Cherrybelle Diserbu

Cherly, salah satu personil cherrybelle tiba-tiba saja diserbu, belum juga keluar dari mobil yang dikendarainya, ia langsung dihadang saat beranjak ke sebuah hotel, tempat dimana ia menginap bersama para personil chibi, panggilan Cherrybelle di daerah Jogjakarta belum lama ini. siapa yang menghadang dan menyerbunya? ternyata mereka adal fans setia chibi yang berada di kota Gudeg itu. mereka adalah Twibi dan Twiboy, sebutan fans chibi yang rela menunggu berlama-lama untuk bertemu dengan sang idola ketika hendak mengisi sebuah acara musik disana. tentu saja Cherly tak bisa berkutik ketika para fans itu menyapanya untuk foto bareng dan menita tandatangannya. Dan berikut foto-fotonya saat Cherly, dengan penuh semangat dan senyum mengembang meladeni para fansnya itu.

[cr: kasakkusuk.com]

Cherrybelle at Inbox SCTV 260712

Bulu Mata Cherrybelle + Photo + Harga Bulu Mata

Siang Twibies! Kali ini saya akan share Bulu Mata Cherrybelle + Photo. Langsung saja,Check This Out!

"Rahasia tajamnya mata @CherlyChiBi itu karena dia berani pake bulu mata, Twibies mau kan kaya Cherly? #ReNewYourLook"
Buat twibies yang mau berangkat beraktivitas, jangan lupa pakai bulu mata ya biar cantik kaya @AnisaChiBi :) #ReNewYourLook

Bagi yang ingin membeli Bulu Matanya,Bisa di Check dibawah,Yuk!

"Lovely Twibies, let's have fun with these lashes. We'll show the world that happy girl is the prettiest girl."

Fabulous false lashes with a criss-cross effect that will instantly give you a new dramatic look. Would go brilliantly with a touch of eyeshadow. Great for any occasion and suitable for all eye shapes and contact lens users. Beautifully hand crafted, adding that ultimate finishing touch to your eyes. They are also lightweight, reusable, easy to apply, and the ultimate in comfort.

Cherrybelle Lashes by D'EYEKO - ChiBi Forever
          Nomor Produk 100000002348332
Harga : Rp 50.000 (Tidak Termasuk Biaya Pengiriman)

"Like all the pretty things in youth life, these lashes too, as beautiful as you." 

These smokey lashes are perfect for those who want a natural, subtle look; will certainly make your lashes look fuller and longer adding that extra volume to your eyes. Great for any occasion and suitable for all eye shapes and contact lens users. Beautifully hand crafted, adding that ultimate finishing touch to your eyes. These lashes are also lightweight, reusable, easy to apply, and the ultimate in comfort. They're made from sterilized, 100% human hair so they look and feel like your own.

Cherrybelle Lashes by D'EYEKO - You're Beautiful
Nomor Produk 100000002348281
Harga : Rp 50.000 (Tidak Termasuk Biaya Pengiriman)
"What's not to be loved about you? Put this on, and see how you will love your new look." 

These light density lashes are perfect for those who want a celebrity look. They will add style, glamour and volume to your eyes and will be great for any occasion. Great for any occasion and suitable for all eye shapes and contact lens users. Beautifully hand crafted false eyelashes that give the ultimate finishing touch to your eyes. These lashes are also lightweight, reusable, easy to apply, and the ultimate in comfort. They're made from sterilized, 100% human hair so they look and feel like your own.

Cherrybelle Lashes by D'EYEKO - Love is You

Nomor Produk 100000002348261
Harga : Rp 50.000 (Belum Termasuk Biaya Pengiriman)

Jika Berminat,bisa di Lihat dulu Metode Pembayaran dan Metode Pembeliannya disini. Bagi yang belum tahu cara Membelinya,Bisa di Lihat disini.

Fact Cherly di Rumah Sakit

Hai twibies, nih ada beberapa fact ce Cherly di rumah sakit.. Yuk diliat ;)

Waktu di Rumah Sakit
  • Ce @Angel_ChiBi perhatian banget sama Leader,Sampai-Sampai dia Kebingungan Cari Tempat Duduk nya Leader *asik*
  • Ce @Angel_ChiBi dan Ce @FellyChiBi paling shock mendengar Mom @CherlyChiBi Mengidap Penyakit Usus Buntu *GWS :( *
  • Harapan ko @vctrkho dan Mom @CherlyChiBi itu tidak di Operasi,Tapi Terpaksa harus di operas *tadi siang,dapet INFO kalau MomCher Sukses di Operasi, dari salah satu FanBase*
  • Ce @FellyChiBi paling kesepian saat leader dirawat.
  • Ce @CherlyChiBi Kasih Pesan Buat Ce @FellyChiBi dan Ce @RynChiBi untuk engga bercanda/bikin dia tertawa,soalnya perutnya masih sakit kalau dibuat ketawa.
  • Saat di Rumah Sakit, Mom @CherlyChiBi ga mau jauh sama Mamanya. 
  • Kata Mom @CherlyChiBi,Kalau gigitan nya Ce @Angel_ChiBi,lebih sakit daripada disuntik. Kayak Dracula katanya *aneh aneh aja :D*
 [cr: @Oki_Santosa]